Maintenance / Repair / January 31, 2021

USB Charging Station

After the recent autopilot replacement, there was a hole in the dashboard left by the removal of an obsolete panel. To fill that hole I installed a multiple port USB charging station. Above is the new charging station that replaced the obsolete and dead Autohelm ST7000 unit shown below. Now we don’ have to remember

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Maintenance / Repair / January 24, 2021

Boat Projects – Pre Season To Do List

While our mechanic has the engines torn apart replacing all the things that have been neglected by the previous owners, we have our own list of to do items. New fuel filters: Port engine fuel filter Starboard engine fuel filter Generator fuel filter (Done) Diesel furnace fuel filter Replacing more lights. The difference between the

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4788 / January 21, 2021

New Pilothouse door wheel rollers

For months, docking has been challenging. We don’t like to leave the pilothouse doors open when we are underway due to having dogs onboard, but we need to be able to get the port side pilothouse door open when docking in order to be able to see the dock. The port side pilothouse door has

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Lighting / LED / January 18, 2021

New Kitchen Lighting

Even though many of the original incandescent lights had been converted to LED lighting, they had not been done very well, and they still all had a very yellow tint to them. In the photo below, you can see the two new sliver ringed LED lights replacing the original plastic light fixtures in the kitchen.

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4788 / January 11, 2021

Phase 3 of the Simrad upgrade – New Radar

Once we get this all cleaned up and finished, that wraps up our initial Simrad upgrade. Which included the new NMEA2000 connected VHF radio, NSS16 display at the pilothouse helm, the autopilot and rudder feedback sensor, and the new transducer, and new radar. The hardest part of replacing the radar was running the wires and

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4788 / January 6, 2021

2021 Crew Shirts

The Off Leash 2020 crew shirts arrived today. The shirt company that I picked this year did a much better job than the company for last years shirts. Here is the front side, followed with the boat picture on the back side. We are ready for the boating season now. Thanks to for some

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4788 / January 3, 2021

Winter time – Maintenance and Upgrades

Since winter in the Pacific Northwest is not the optimal boating time, with wind gusts yesterday to 59mph, it is a better time to be doing boat maintenance and upgrades rather than trying to go out. This weekend we finished the install of the Simrad NAC-3 autopilot core pack, replacing the original dead SeaTalk autopilot.

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Contact Info

Steve Stedman
PO Box 3175
Ferndale WA 98248

Phone: (360)610-7833

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