New Kitchen Lighting

Even though many of the original incandescent lights had been converted to LED lighting, they had not been done very well, and they still all had a very yellow tint to them. In the photo below, you can see the two new sliver ringed LED lights replacing the original plastic light fixtures in the kitchen. The before and after you can really see the difference in color.

Instead of just doing a bulb replacement, we are replacing the entire fixture. The “Three-Bezel Interior LED Flood Light, White” fixtures are from West Marine, and the bulb is permanently sealed inside of the fixture. What is nice about these is that they fit into the same hole as the original lights, however the three screw holes are in different positions, so that need to be drilled out.

There are probably over 50 of these plastic light fixtures on the boat, and it would nice to replace them all, but for now we will just do one section at a time. The kitchen is the first phase. I was able to take some of the round plastic off white covers and replace broken lights in other parts of the boat. Improving the kitchen with the trickle down to improving other areas too.

I think the next area I want to do after the kitchen is the aft head, the lights in there are in some serious need of replacement.
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