Power Problems Resolved

Yesterday afternoon George and I resolved the power issues on the 4788 by replacing the burned out plug with a new Smart Plug brand plug and cord.
We started by opening the electric panel to get access to be back side of the power connection. On the 4788 to open the panel like this you first have to remove the glass panels on the front, and the cover panel on the top to allow the electric panel to swing open.
While we had this open I also hooked into one of the unused 12v accessory breakers to use for powering the surveillance cameras.

Once that was open I pulled removed the burnt power inlet and cut the wires back a bit so that we could get a clean start with unburned wiring. I also at this point cleaned off all the silicone that had previously been applied to prevent leaking.

When George arrived with the 4000 sealant to seal around the connection, I had already connected all 3 wires and all we had to do was screw it in and seal around it. The problem that we ran into was that the screw holes had been stripped out and 2 of the 4 screws to hold the connection in would not grab. Fortunately we had our spare stainless steel screws and bolts kit on boar and we replaced 2 of the screws with bolts, washers and nuts in order to get a tight seal on the gasket.

Before applying the 4000 sealant we plugged it in to confirm that things worked and it all worked perfectly. George then applied the 4000 sealant around the edges to finish the job.
After getting the new outlet in place I rebuilt the end of the cord that was burned with new connections, just to use as an extension if needed sometime. I cut a couple feed off the end of the cord and confirmed that the remaining copper wire was still in good shape. After replacing the ends, looking at the cost of the connectors versus the cost of a new cord, if I had to do it again, I think I would have or should have purchased a new cord, or just thrown this one out.

Project complete after a bit of cleanup.