Test Drive after Engine Work

For months we have had work being done to our engines. When I say months, I mean several, however most of that time was waiting on parts that had been delayed by supply chain issues related to Cummins engine parts. Yesterday we had our first successful trip confirming that everything was good. We did have one failed attempt a few weeks ago when we discovered the turbocharger on older engine was ruined and need to be rebuilt. It was just about a week to get the Turbo rebuilt by the fabulous people at Alamo Turbochargers in Kent Washington.
The test drive went well. We did not have any issues, other than one small issue.
The one issue that we did have was the neutral safety switch on the starboard engine, it is a bit sensitive, and it took a while to get the shifter in the right place to start the engine. That part is being ordered and is a quick replacement compared to anything else that we have had done.
The engines ran great we did not have any of the black smoke on the port side engine that had been caused by the turbocharger issues. We did not have the 1500 RPM limit on the port side engine due to the turbocharger. Everything ran great.

The engines spin up nicely to about 2500 RPM with that familiar turbo whine if you are used to driving a Cummins diesel truck. Although we can run at 2500RPM, it is not a comfortable speed to run at for long, 2000RMP is much better. Our speed between 2500 and 2000 RPM only dropped 2 MPH, but we are probably burning at least twice as much diesel to get that extra 2MPH. So we will probably run at 12MPH and 2000RPM most of the cruising time, and then know we can push that extra 2MPH for a short amount of time if we need it.
For the first time since we purchased the boat we actually ran fast enough to make use of the trim tabs.
The best part of this was that our diesel mechanic went along with us on the test drive, and was there to push the engines to see if anything breaks. Nothing broke, and it passed all of his tests.