Anchoring / June 15, 2021

Season 2 Trip 2

2 nights at Sucia Island, and 1 night at Stuart island makes 29 nights that we have stayed on the boat so far. We started out Thursday evening heading to Sucia Island with calm weather, then Friday the storm picked up with 30 mph winds, and then calm again on Saturday with sunshine, then Sunday

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4788 / June 9, 2021

Name on the sides of the boat

Tonight we were able to get the name branding on the side of the boat. We used our vinyl cutter to cut out a gray vinyl name and a black vinyl name, combined them to look like a shadow, and placed it on the side of the boat. Here is the original look, we peeled

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4788 / June 8, 2021

New CMAP Charts for the Simrad

For my birthday the boys got me some new charts for the Simrad. Something I did not even know was available. The charts are really nice as they add much more detail and contour lines. They just pop into the Simrad and you get a second option for how the charts look. I am pleased

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Steve Stedman
PO Box 3175
Ferndale WA 98248

Phone: (360)610-7833

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