Fresh Zincs

Yesterday with the help of the boys and our new SNUBA setup we replaced most of the zincs on the boat, and scraped barnacles, muscles and other growth from around the water pickup ports. Still todo are the zincs on the trim tabs, but it got a bit too cold for the boys before we could get those done.
Here are some of the older zincs that were removed.

And here are the new ones ready to go on.

We made use of our new Hookamax SNUBA setup. If you are not familiar with SNUBA, it is basically an air compressor on the surface that feeds 2 hoses. Each hose has a belt that attaches to the diver and a regulator for breathing. It took about an hour to scrape and get all the zincs replaced.

Although we are all certified SCUBA divers, and we have tanks the SNUBA setup makes things easier as you need less weight on your weight belt, and you are not restricted by the BC vest and the tank on your back. Also, you are not constrained by the capacity of the SCUBA tanks either.
Below are some more photos for the day.

Below is the video after the zincs have been replaced. We still need to replace the zinc on the trim tabs.