New built-in Drink Fridge

One of the first things we removed from the boat when we purchased it was the built in stereo which didn’t work, and was way outdated. The stereo was located behind the mirrored door on the starboard side to the right of the stairs up to the pilot house. That stereo was someone audiophile sweet system from the 1990’s, it had one row with dual tape decks, and another component that played DVD’s, along with an amplifier. I probably have more sound capability in my phone that we did in that stereo.

We have just used that empty space where the stereo was as a storage compartment, but for this last Christmas Marcia purchased me a drink fridge that fits right into the hole where the stereo was.

With the 110 power outlet that was originally used by the stereo, we can plug the fridge right into that.
Since the galley fridge is already tight for any trip longer than a couple of nights, this extra fridge will give us the extra space we need for drinks while freeing up space in the galley fridge.