Coast Guard Courtesy Inspection

Today we passed the courtesy inspection that is done by the Coast Guard Auxiliary. As a free service the will do a courtesy inspection of your boat.
To save time, I had most of the needed material out on the table to review when they arrived. This saved a ton of time not having to run around and find it all.
We passed 100% with no items missing or failing. It took a bit of time to prepare and to double check to be sure we had everything.
It was nice to know that we are good if we do get stopped that we have everything we need to pass the inspection.
Here are the results. Since we are Coast Gaurd Documented, we don’t need to display our state numbers, and with diesel we don’t need the backfire flame control.

The one question that he asked is what do you do if you have a fuel spill while fueling. The answer that he was looking for was that we call 911 and/or the Coast Guard in the event of anything significant being spilled.
They we got our sticker to place on the boat to show that we have been inspected this year.