Weekend Trip to Sucia Island

We had a short trip to Sucia Island. Just 8.5 miles from home, but it feels like being completely away on vacation. Short on miles, short on diesel, but a good 4 days 3 nights away from home.
What I didn’t realize was how shallow the docks are at Sucia Island, or at last how shallow they get with a minus 3.5 tide. Mid day with a minus 3.5 tide everyone cleared off the northeast dock except for one small boat, and everyone cleared off the southwest dock except for the every end, as it was expected to be too shallow.

It was a good time to measure exact depth with a string and a weight. It was about 3ft deep on the southwest dock, and about just under 2ft deep on the northeast dock.
Friday afternoon we anchored out in slightly deeper during the low tide then returned to the dock once the tide came up.

Here is our route for the day on Friday.

Things started to calm down in the evening, and we had a nice quiet nights sleep tied to the dock.

Saturday we had a smaller window where we had to leave the dock because of the tides. Here is what our Saturday route looked like. Returning to the dock as soon as the water was deep enough.

And on Sunday we had a early trip home to get into Sandy Point before the tide dropped too low.

This weekend was all about the tides, with this last week having some of the lowest tides in 15 years.
This was a great trip, looking forward to our next adventure to Sucia Island. These three nights mark the 61st night we have stayed on the boat since we purchased it.