2022 Boating Summary

We did lots of boating in 2022. It was a good year for boating. Here is a map showing our 2022 trip summary. Although there were a few early season trips that I was not tracking this way.

Here is the summary:
April 2nd – 4 nights at Roche Harbor
April 17th – 1 night at Sucia Island
May 27th – 11 nights Roche Harbor then Stuart Island and back to Roche Harbor
June 18th – 3 nights at Sucia Island
July 23rd – 2 nights in Ganges (Saltspring Island)
Aug 6th – 10 night trip- Anacortes to Roche, then Canada.
Late august – Several crabbing day trips.
September 7th – 1 night at Sucia Island
September 8th – 3 nights at Deer Harbor on Orcas Island
That makes a total of 34 nights on the boat this year, and 77 nights over the last 3 years since we purchased it in 2020.
There were 2 major repairs:
- Replace the outboard motor on the dinghy
- Replacing the canvas top, that was destroyed in the wind, with a fiberglass hard top.
We also had some preventative maintenance on the engines and generator.
Here are some photos from the season.