New Starlink “In Motion”

Last season we had the basic RV Starlink product, which prohibited use while in motion. The small amount of motion that we have when on anchor was enough to impact the signal. So this year we have upgraded to the In Motion Starlink antennae.
First, here is a review of our antennae from last year.

And here is the new antennae which is about twice the size in square inches, but mounts mostly flat and does not move in an attempt to find a signal.

Today I was able to get it mounted, but running the wires to it is going to be another challenge that I will take on tomorrow, along with washing the boat.
With Marcia’s help we were able to come up with a solution to put the Starlink units under the pilothouse “dashboard”, and really get them out of the way.
With last years solution we had to turn off the power to the unit when we were underway, but with this one, we can leave it on while we are moving. A big improvement over last year.