Done with Repairs

After 8 days out of the water with repairs and rehab, we brought the boat home yesterday.
While it was out we had the bottom cleaned and painted. It is amazing what a fresh coat of paint will do to a boat. And the props now appear to be brass instead of barnacle. The trim tabs have been reapaired and are now working again.

However that was not the primary reason for the haul out. The main reason was to get a new generator installed. The Cummins Onan QD 7.5kw generator. We have received several questions of why the 7.5kw when the previous was 13kw? Its simple we don’t need it. The 13kw generator was needed for boats that had air conditioning on board, and since we don’t have air conditioning, we don’t need anything near 13kw.

We did have one surprise when we left the dock. It turns out that while we were on shore, all of the water had drained out of one of the engines raw water cooling, and we had to come back to the dock, and get some help to re-prime the engine cooling system. After getting that fixed we made our way home and the boat ran great. The generator ran great, and the trim tabs worked great also.