Heriot Bay Inn & Marina

Today our route took us 18.9 miles south from Octopus Islands to Heriot Bay Inn & Marina. We originally attempted to anchor at Rebecca Spit, but there were far too many boat wakes, so we decided to get a slip at the Heriot Bay Inn and Marina. Heriot bay is on Quadra Island and has a nice little pub at the inn where we had fish and chips and fish tacos.

Today was our first time crossing Surge Narrows and Beazley Passage, which we hit about an hour before slack, and was just fine.

Here are some photos from the inn and marina.

Along the way we thought we might have been on fire for a minute or two. There was smoke billowing from under the dashboard. After some investigation, and climbing up from “The Hatch” the hole in the stateroom ceiling that leads to under the helm, I found the problem. One of the three motors for the three windshield wipers had burned out. Literally it had just failed and the wiper motor had smoke coming out of the end of it, and black molten ooze dripping from the motor. I think that wiper is out of service until we get home and find a new motor. But wow, the smell of molton plastic completely filled the stateroom and pilot house. It was a bit of a suprise to look into the hatch under the pilothouse and find the entire area full of smoke.
It was a good day, and we continue on our adventures. Tonight will be the 15th night on board this trip, and the 99th night on board since we purchased the boat. Still enjoying the travels.