One More Night in Nanaimo

With the temp at 92 degrees it would be nice to get out of Nanaimo, but the winds are too strong. 25mph to 35mph and the boat is rocking even being tied to the dock. We will ride out the wind on the dock for at least one more day.
In the mean time, doing laundry the onboard washer/dryer doesn’t do such a good job drying so we are hanging out our laundry. Typically we would hang the laundry in the fly bridge with a laundry line on the radar arch, but it is way too windy for that, so we have converted the rod holders in the cockpit into laundry lines. It is amazing how fast it dries at 92 degrees.

Also today I installed 2 more remote temperature and humidity monitors on board the boat. Now we have 4, cockpit, flybridge, salon and stateroom. Here is what the temps look like right now, down slightly from about an hour ago:

The part about working reboatly is that I can still get just as much work done sitting at my desk in the pilothouse on the boat as I would get done in my home office. I was able to acomplish quite a bit today working with clients, and taking full advantage of the Starlink internet. Thanks to Elon.
More about Nanaimo here:
How about those cabinets?