Home to to Sandy Point

Final Voyage: Ganges to Sandy Point – The Last Leg of an Unforgettable Journey
Today marked the end of an incredible 39-day journey through the stunning waters of the British Columbia Gulf Islands, Desolation Sound, and the Broughton Archipelago. Our final leg from Ganges on Salt Spring Island to Sandy Point, Washington, covered 66 miles, making it the second-longest day in terms of distance traveled on this trip.
Photos as we left Ganges

As we set off from Ganges this morning, the air was filled with a mix of excitement and a tinge of nostalgia. This trip, which took us through some of the most beautiful and remote areas of British Columbia, has been nothing short of extraordinary. From the serene anchorages in Desolation Sound to the wild beauty of the Broughtons, every day brought new adventures and breathtaking scenery.
The journey today was smooth, with calm waters guiding us back to the United States. The Strait of Georgia was as cooperative as ever, allowing us to make good time on our way home. However, the return wasn’t without a minor hiccup. Despite our attempts, we couldn’t get the Customs and Border Patrol app to work as we approached the U.S. border. Fortunately, we were able to call in using the Nexus phone number, making the border crossing a relatively easy process.
Reflecting on the entire trip, it’s hard to believe we’ve covered 1,069 miles in just over a month. We’ve navigated through narrow channels, fished in rich waters, spotted countless marine mammals, and experienced the unique charm of coastal communities. Each stop along the way added a new chapter to our adventure, whether it was the bustling docks of Nanaimo, the quiet anchorages of the Broughtons, or the remote wilderness of Desolation Sound.
But as with all good things, this journey has come to an end. Today’s voyage back to Sandy Point feels bittersweet. This may very well be our last trip on this boat, as we’ve decided to clean her up and put her up for sale. She’s served us well, carrying us through miles of memories, but the time has come to move on to our next boat and embark on new adventures.
As we tied up at Sandy Point and turned off the engines for the last time on this boat, we couldn’t help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for the experiences we’ve shared. This 39-day journey has been one for the books, and while we’re saying goodbye to this chapter, we’re looking forward to what lies ahead on the horizon.
Here’s to the next adventure!