Pilothouse Doors

On the Bayliner 4788 there are sliding doors on either side of the pilot house. One has never worked well since we purchased the boat, and the other one really started to stick last week.

The door is Part #9 in the diagram below.

I started by removing the pilothouse door. This was as simple as removing 2 screws to unhook the track, and sliding the track out releasing the door.

Once the port side door was off I was able to see that the rollers were extremely rusted, and with some WD40 and pliers I was not able to get the rollers to roll.
I then took the track apart and cleaned it up. And while the door was off I was able to clean the fiberglass behind the door that appears to have never been cleaned.

Although I was unable to get the rollers to turn I was able to grease the track to get the door to slide to keep it mostly functional while I find out were to get replacement rollers.
As far as the starboard side door, that will be my next project, but for now I just lubed the track and the door appears to slide better now.
Next steps… finding replacement rollers for the doors, but I have at least bough us some time to find them.