Trip #4 – Roche Harbor

Our fourth trip on the 4788 was to Roche Harbor on San Juan Island. Roche is one of my favorite destinations in The San Juan Islands. What I like about Roche is that the staff treats you like royalty. Even if you didn’t arrive on that 10 million dollar 115ft yacht, they treat you like you did.
Trip #4 marked a few “first time” events since we purchased the boat earlier in the year. This trip was the first time since purchasing the boat that we have plugged into shore power. Our solar panels have kept our batteries charged until now.
The other first time event, this was the first time fueling the boat up. With just over 400 gallons of diesel capacity, we can go quite a ways without needing to refuel. We ended up needing about 120 gallons of diesel to top off the tanks. Overall we were only down about 30% of full, and could have gone much longer without the need to refuel. Since the boat was new to us I didn’t know if we could trust the gas gauges, but they did appear to be quite accurate.
We already have 2 more trips planned to Roche Harbor this summer.