Refuge Cove to Browns Bay Resort

We travelled 39 miles today, making it the longest distance day on the trip so far. For a total of 338 miles travelled since we left home 3 weeks ago.
On the trip we saw 6 humpback whales, 5 in a group, and one flying solo.
Here is our route.

On the way we stopped over in Campbell River for fuel and to wait on the currents at Seymour Narrows. The boat was thirsty taking on 760 liters, the equivalent 200 gallons, or just under half our capacity. Overall that is just over 1100 liters for the trip.
We were able to get guest dock space for a couple hours in Campbell River which gave us time to wait on the currents. Here are some pictures of Campbell River.

Cambell river was super busy and loud, but it gave Marcia time to walk to the grocery store, and me some time to catch up on work.
Then when there was slack at Seymour Narrows we headed north to Browns Bay Resort.