From Shoal Bay to Octopus Islands

From Shoal Bay to Octopus Islands: A Perfect Day on the Water

Today’s journey took us from the peaceful harbor of Shoal Bay, BC, to the enchanting Octopus Islands, a hidden gem nestled in the heart of British Columbia’s coastal waters. Covering 27 miles, our adventure brought our total trip to an impressive 755 miles over the past 29 days. This leg of our journey was marked by beautiful weather, well-timed navigation, and a sense of exploration as we ventured into new waters.

Smooth Sailing Through the Okisolo Rapids

One of the highlights of today’s voyage was our passage through the Okisolo tidal rapids. Timing is everything when navigating these waters, and we managed to hit it just right. The rapids, known for their strong currents and challenging conditions, were remarkably calm as we passed through, a testament to our careful planning and a bit of luck. With almost no current to contend with, it was smooth sailing, allowing us to fully appreciate the stunning scenery that surrounded us.

Arrival at the Octopus Islands

As we approached the Octopus Islands, the anticipation of discovering this new anchorage grew. The islands are a labyrinth of small, forested islets and tranquil bays, offering numerous spots to anchor and explore. We found a perfect place to stern tie, securing our boat in a secluded cove with panoramic views of the surrounding wilderness. The water was so calm that it mirrored the towering trees and rocky outcrops, creating a picture-perfect scene.

Exploring the Area

After settling in, we set out to explore the Octopus Islands. Our first stop was the old fishing cabin, a relic of the past now transformed into a quirky, unofficial museum of sorts. The cabin’s walls are covered in the names of boats that have visited over the years, along with various pieces of memorabilia left behind by fellow mariners. It’s a fascinating collection that tells the story of the many adventurers who have passed through these waters, each leaving a small mark of their journey.

Wandering through the islands, we were struck by the pristine beauty of the area. The dense forest, rugged coastline, and crystal-clear waters create a serene environment that invites exploration and reflection. We spent the afternoon hiking along the trails, soaking in the natural splendor, and even tried our luck at fishing. While the fish were elusive today, the experience of casting a line in such a peaceful setting was reward enough.

A Day to Remember

Today’s journey from Shoal Bay to the Octopus Islands was one of those rare days on the water that felt just right from start to finish. From the perfectly timed passage through the Okisolo Rapids to finding an ideal anchorage and exploring the unique charm of the old fishing cabin, every moment added to the tapestry of memories we’ve been weaving throughout this trip. As we settled in for the evening, with the calm waters of the Octopus Islands gently rocking our boat, we couldn’t help but feel grateful for the adventures that each new day brings.

Although we fished, but did not catch anything we had a seared ahi tuna steak for dinner. When the fishing does not provide, the freezer does.

With 755 miles behind us and countless experiences along the way, our journey continues to unfold in ways we could have only dreamed of. The Octopus Islands have quickly become a highlight, and as we look ahead to the next leg of our voyage, we do so with a sense of excitement for whatever lies just beyond the horizon.

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Steve Stedman
PO Box 3175
Ferndale WA 98248

Phone: (360)610-7833

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