Return to Browns Bay Marina on Vancouver Island

Today, we made our way from the Octopus Islands to Browns Bay Marina on Vancouver Island, a familiar destination that holds special memories for us. The 19-mile journey was smooth and scenic, with the beauty of the British Columbia waterways as our constant companion.

As we approached Browns Bay, a sense of déjà vu set in—exactly one year ago today, on August 30th, we were here, docking at this same marina and dining at the Dockside Restaurant. The marina, with its inviting docks and picturesque surroundings, welcomed us back like an old friend.

Once settled, we headed straight to the dockside restaurant, eager to relive the experience that had left such a lasting impression on us last year. The restaurant’s cozy atmosphere was just as we remembered, and the menu featured the same local delicacy that had captured our hearts before: Johnstone Straight cod.

Dinner was a delightful echo of our previous visit. The cod, just as delicious as we recalled, was cooked to perfection—tender, flaky, and full of rich, local flavor. Sitting in the same spot, enjoying the same dish, it felt like we had come full circle, revisiting a cherished memory while creating a new one.

As we wrapped up our meal and took in the familiar surroundings, we couldn’t help but appreciate how special this day was—marking a year since our first visit, and now, returning to Browns Bay Marina feels like an annual tradition in the making.

Tonight, as we settle in on the boat, we look back on the past year with gratitude and look forward to the adventures that await us in the coming days.

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Steve Stedman
PO Box 3175
Ferndale WA 98248

Phone: (360)610-7833

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